First Christian Church offers wonderful opportunities for children. Our Coordinator of Children’s Ministries gives leadership to all children’s activities.
Nursery Care is provided for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers through four years of age during all Sunday morning activities. Nursery care is provided at other church wide events as well.
Sunday School is provided for children of all ages. Classes begin at 9:00 each Sunday morning. There are classes for Toddlers through three year olds, four and five year olds, Kindergarten through 1st graders, and 2nd through 5th graders.
Children’s Church for preschool through 5th grade, takes place during the worship service. Our focus is to instill a sense of “Worship and Wonder” in our children as they worship with other children. The activities are designed for children to enter more deeply into the life of faith in Jesus Christ.
Vacation Bible School is held during one week of summer. Bible School combines learning about the Christian faith with crafts music, recreation and refreshments.
Various other ministries are planned for children throughout the year.