We at First Christian Church, Disciples of Christ – Shelbyville, TN – Trust the Bible.
It contains everything needed to get acquainted with God, to live as God asked us to and for us as a Church Family to be a great church here in our community. We believe the Bible to be historically accurate, inspired by God and intellectually solid for any era or culture. We understand the Bible to be written over a period of 1,500 years, by 40 different authors on 3 different continents – so only a God like our God, could pull together 66 books to form such a unique book, that we call the Word of God. The Bible shows us the plan of God to have a relationship with his people and of how He sent His one and only Son into our world to die for our sins and disobedience.

The Bible we admit is not the easiest book in the world to understand, as it was composed more than 2,000 years ago in another era. However, when God’s Word is clearly taught, it is not only understood, but has the power to help a person change their life for the good.